Doç. Dr. Berna Aksoy’un Yayınlanmış Kitap ve Kitap Bölümleri
1. Civas E, Aksoy B, Aksoy HM. Nd:YAG Laser Treatment for Different Vascular Lesions. Editors: Volkerts BD. Yttrium: Compounds, Production and Applications. Chapter 1, Binding: Hardcover, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppage, New York, USA, 2011, pages: 1-52. ISBN: 978-1-61728-928-6.
2. Authors / Editors: Civas E, Aksoy B and Aksoy HM. Nd: Yag Laser Treatment for Various Vascular Lesions. Binding: Softcover, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppage, New York, USA, 2010. ISBN:978-1-61761-099-8
3. Koç E, Aksoy B and Tatlıparmak A. Urticarial Vasculitis. Editors: Kartal SP, Kutlubay Z. A Comprehensive Review of Urticaria and Angioedema. Chapter 6, InTechOpen, Rijeka, Croatia, 2017, pages: 61-81. ISBN: 978-953-51-3168-7, Print ISBN: 978-953-51-3167-0. DOI: 10.5772/68109.
4. Yıldırım E, Aksoy B. Cicatricial Alopecias. Editors: Kılıç A. Hair Disorders. Chapter 07. Avid Science, Berlin, Germany. 2018, ISBN: 978-93-88170-04-8
5. Editors: Aksoy B, Aksoy HM, Tatliparmak A, Koc E. Cutaneous Scars: Biology, Clinics and Management. Nova Science Publishers Inc, NY, USA. 2019, ISBN: 978-1-53615-658-4, Print ISBN: 978-1-53615-657-7.
6. Aksoy B. Models for wound healing and scarring. Editors: Aksoy B, Aksoy HM, Tatliparmak A, Koc E. Cutaneous Scars: Biology, Clinics and Management. Chapter 6. pages: 69-108. Nova Science Publishers Inc, NY, USA. 2019, ISBN: 978-1-53615-658-4, Print ISBN: 978-1-53615-657-7.
7. Editors: Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Parish LC. Retinoids in Dermatology. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2019, ISBN: 9781138314771, e book ISBN: 9780429456732.
8. Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Parish LC. The Background of Retinoids. Editors: Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Parish LC. Retinoids in Dermatology. Chapter 1. Pages 1-2. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2019, ISBN: 9781138314771, e book ISBN: 9780429456732.
9. Yildirim E, Aksoy B. Guide to Good Clinical Practice for Vulnerable Populations (Infancy, Childhood, Fertile Period, Elderly). Editors: Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Parish LC. Retinoids in Dermatology. Chapter 29. Pages 183-8. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2019, ISBN: 9781138314771, e book ISBN: 9780429456732.
10. Öztürk NB, Aksoy B. Laboratory and Clinical Follow-Up. Editors: Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Parish LC. Retinoids in Dermatology. Chapter 32. Pages 201-6. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2019, ISBN: 9781138314771, e book ISBN: 9780429456732.
11. Tatliparmak A, Aksoy B. Management of Vitamin A and Retinoid Side Effects. Editors: Karadag AS, Aksoy B, Parish LC. Retinoids in Dermatology. Chapter 34. Pages 213-6. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2019, ISBN: 9781138314771, e book ISBN: 9780429456732.
12. Editör: Banlı O, Reçete 2008, Aksoy B, Şahin M. Dermatoloji, 12. Baskı, Pelikan Yayıncılık Ltd. Ankara 2008, sf: 17-43, ISBN: 975-8778-37-4.
13. Editör: Banlı O, Reçete 2011, Aksoy B. Dermatoloji, 20. Yıl Baskı, Pelikan Yayıncılık Ltd. Ankara 2011, sf: 17-43, ISBN: 978- 605-5529-34-5.
14. Koç E, Aksoy B. Aknede Prognostik Faktörler. In: Akne ve Rozase: Tanı ve Tedavi Kitabı. Editör: H Sarıcaoğlu, İ. Ünal, G Karaman, A Ferahbaş Kesikoğlu, As Karadağ, A Şikar Aktürk, G Kalkan . Galenos Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2018 Sf: 311-25, Isbn: 978-975-96175-5-4.