Doç. Dr. Berna Aksoy’un Uluslararası Diğer Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleleri
1. Koçer U, Aksoy HM, Tiftikçioğlu YÖ, Çöloğlu H, Aksoy B, Ulusoy MG, Astarcı M. Evaluation of Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment and Histopathological Characteristics of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Turkish Patients. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2003; 26(5): 235-240.
2. Koçer U, Aksoy HM, Tiftikçioğlu YÖ, Aksoy B. Anthrax of the Lower Eyelid. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2003; 11(4): 211-212.
3. Aksoy HM, Aksoy B, Civaş E, Öç B. Nail Debridement for the Treatment of Onychogryposis: Use of Wire Cutter and Bone Rongeur. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2008; 31(5): 269-270.
4. Aksoy HM, Aksoy B, Portakal S, Özdemir A. An Uncommon Location for Accessory Breast Tissue: Inner Thigh. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2008; 31(6): 339-340.
5. Civas E, Aksoy HM, Koc E, Aksoy B. Evaluation of three instruments used in FUE. Hair Transplant Forum International 2009; 19: 14-15.
6. Aksoy B. Ulceration of breast’s skin due to topical corticosteroid abuse. Journal of Dermatologic Research and Therapy 2017;1(2):36-39.
7. Aksoy B, Aksoy HM. A Novel Surgical Method for Total Nail Ablation: Use of Triple Flap Technique. J Surg Dermatol 2018: 3(1);167. DOI: 10.18282/jsd.v3.i1.167
8. Aksoy B, Karadayı N, Derin O, Tatlıparmak A, Koç E. Granulomatous Rosacea That is Histopathologically Confused with Papulonecrotic Tuberculid: A Case Report. Madridge Journal of Dermatology & Research 2017;2(1):26-28.
